
The Sanergética Connection

it is done only once in a lifetime.

In 2 consecutive days.

It adds to the Sanergía session the activation of specific points in the brain such as the pineal and pituitary glands, awakening brain connections that were dormant from their lack of use, that is why the 6th sense, intuition is greatly awakened after this therapy.

The Sanergética Connection is made only once in a lifetime. In 2 consecutive days.

Clean inherited patterns, Energy, information accumulated in the electromagnetic field of the mind. Thus aligning it with the Universal Mind.

It reconnects you with your original design, the fingerprint of your soul. And it puts you on the right path of life, bringing you Peace above all things letting you advance in a state of balance, by acquiring certainty.


  • Women of a 18% yet 23 to 24%

  • Men of a 13% yet 23 to 24%


The Sanergética Connection is made only once in a lifetime.

It is the permanent connection and tuning with the etheric field of the planet. In "The Field" resides the Mind, your hidden intelligence, your intuition. The combination of vibrational therapy, NLP, metaphysics and quantum physics creates a great awakening. All those connected claim that their intuitive and self-healing powers rapidly and dramatically increased, living in a state of tranquility and serenity due to body attunement, mind, soul and spirit with the Universal Vibration (Energy 17,6)

The Connection is made in two sessions, on two consecutive days.

On the first day the Sanergista releases the blockages of all the main points of the axiatonal lines of the body, that may impede the entry of new energy or prevent it from flowing freely. This sanergetic work allows to erase the old scheme of diseases and electromagnetic disorders.. In the second session the (the) Sanergista systematically joins each “cleaned” point on each meridian, thus giving harmony to the totality of the bodily functions, while obtaining the alignment of the chakras, electromagnetic balance and the liberation of Chi (vital energy, bioenergy, kundalini).

Many participants have had extraordinary experiences during and especially after a session or have experienced it shortly after.

The Connection restores the harmony between the energy lines of our body and the energy network of the planet and the Universe. The Connection places each of us on the right path of life and allows us to advance in a state of balance, activating a continuous exchange of light and information appropriate to each being. It allows the activation of a new DNA strand and the reintegration of all the "strands".

The Sanergética Connection is a determining and renewing experience in your life that involves you in your own healing and ascension process and in your instant healing system, thus obtaining much faster results..

The Sanergética Connection is made only once in a lifetime.

The desire to find yourself and tune into the Original Design is something we all long for in order to communicate telepathically, with any being on this planet simply by getting in tune with their Mind.

Who I am?, Where do I come from?, Where I go?, what do I do here?, What was planned for me in the Original Design?, Who benefits from my stay on the planet?, Do i like my current life?, Why am i so restless?, Am I missing the essential?, What is my destiny?, What do i really want?, Am I walking towards the intended destination?, Who can inform me?, Angels?, Spirit guides?, beings of light?, beings of light?, A divine connection?, Are babies and animals connected?, Are they tuned?, Why were the animals saved during the Tsunami?, Why do the fishes all turn at once?, Why don't humans pick up on what animals cover?, Why are we disconnected from our survival instinct?

Everyone can learn Sanergía. We can all do it..

Frequent questions


Sanergía is a fusion of the words "Healing" and "Energy" as well as "Health" and "Energy". It is a creative philosophy that generates Creative energy. A new way of thinking and creatively interpreting the facts of life. It is also the result of many investigations into different healing methods., hundreds of experiments that led to discovering the usefulness of the new frequencies measured on the planet from 1989, when a significant number of people generated a great capacity to heal and provide information in a surprising way, something never seen before.

Sanergía is more of a philosophy than a therapy. By changing our way of thinking we have access to a higher vibration that will awaken in us gifts and innate powers of healing and self-healing.. It is enough to "believe" to be able to "create" and be open to these new frequencies. We are in the century of information and those who have it, are successful and in good health.

Sanergía's frequencies allow us to connect with “El Campo”, the etheric field of the planet that, According to journalist and scientific researcher Lynne Mc Taggart it houses the Mind of every being. Our mind is not in our body. The Connection with the Field opens up access to capacities not yet developed by the human brain and opens man to new levels of perception that every individual experiences in his own way and according to the destiny that the Universe has planned for him. (she). We can all connect with the Mind of all individuals who live or lived on this planet or read the teachings stored and available to humanity..

Sanergía is the sum of: Quantum Physics, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Vibrational therapy, Synergy, Neuroplasticidad, polarity therapy, Re-connection, Universal Energy.

Uniting everything to what we know about the power of thought, the Law of Attraction and Modern Metaphysics, Sanergía has become one of the most effective healing methods.

Many therapists continue with their usual therapies after Sanergista training, getting faster results with your clientele simply because, once connected, they themselves more easily intuit where the imbalances of their clients or patients are.


It is the permanent connection and tuning with the etheric field of the planet. In "The Field" resides the Mind, your hidden intelligence, your intuition. The combination of vibrational therapy, NLP, metaphysics and quantum physics creates a great awakening. All those connected claim that their intuitive and self-healing powers rapidly and dramatically increased, living in a state of tranquility and serenity due to body attunement, mind, soul and spirit with the Universal Vibration (Energy 17,6)

The Connection is made in two sessions, on two consecutive days.

On the first day the Sanergista releases the blockages of all the main points of the axiatonal lines of the body, that may impede the entry of new energy or prevent it from flowing freely. This sanergetic work allows to erase the old scheme of diseases and electromagnetic disorders.. In the second session the (the) Sanergista systematically joins each “cleaned” point on each meridian, thus giving harmony to the totality of the bodily functions, while obtaining the alignment of the chakras, electromagnetic balance and the liberation of Chi (vital energy, bioenergy, kundalini).

Many participants have had extraordinary experiences during and especially after a session or have experienced it shortly after.

The Connection restores the harmony between the energy lines of our body and the energy network of the planet and the Universe. The Connection places each of us on the right path of life and allows us to advance in a state of balance, activating a continuous exchange of light and information appropriate to each being. It allows the activation of a new DNA strand and the reintegration of all the "strands".

The Sanergética Connection is a determining and renewing experience in your life that involves you in your own healing and ascension process and in your instant healing system, thus obtaining much faster results..

The Sanergética Connection is made only once in a lifetime.

The desire to find yourself and tune into the Original Design is something we all long for in order to communicate telepathically, with any being on this planet simply by getting in tune with their Mind.

Who I am?, Where do I come from?, Where I go?, what do I do here?, What was planned for me in the Original Design?, Who benefits from my stay on the planet?, Do i like my current life?, Why am i so restless?, Am I missing the essential?, What is my destiny?, What do i really want?, Am I walking towards the intended destination?, Who can inform me?, Angels?, Spirit guides?, beings of light?, beings of light?, A divine connection?, Are babies and animals connected?, Are they tuned?, Why were the animals saved during the Tsunami?, Why do the fishes all turn at once?, Why don't humans pick up on what animals cover?, Why are we disconnected from our survival instinct?

Everyone can learn Sanergía. We can all do it.


The result of launching an unstoppable process! A constant bond is created between you and the Universe. The Sanergistas are channels of this process, the symbolic "connection to the high-speed information source". Many of the participants reported extraordinary relief from the symptoms of their illness or physical imbalance, psychic and / or mental.

Those who have received chemotherapy have not suffered as much as the others who did not do Sanergía. Other participants report having increased their intuition, your psychic abilities and your gifts of clairvoyance or channeling. Virtually everyone loses their fear, doubts and negative emotion patterns. Several notice short or long term, physical corrections to your body, your organs, arteries, joints. Everyone has seen improvement in their health. Plus all, indistinctly, develop healing and self-healing abilities.


They actually activate on their own. Just attend a conference, to courses or to the introductory talk with the Sanergista. We do this at the end of a first session allowing the participant to realize that something has happened. A considerable increase in awareness. He realizes that we really are satellite dishes and that we can “catch” waves and energy.


There are no limits to the capacity of the human mind once activated. The important thing is to understand what is happening. It is essential to have attended our conferences or the Sanergista talk to be successful in a Connection. You will quickly and physically realize that THERE IS MORE.


Since we are all unique, the process manifests itself differently, unique and different in each person.


Sanergists are not doctors or psychologists. They do not have a medical degree. Sanergists cannot advise or advise against medical treatments, the use of drugs, not even treatments with natural products. Most of the patients who go to sanergistas say "they have tried everything".

I answer them: "Now we know what does NOT work. If you ready, we now go to Sanergía ".

If it is an extremely ill or disturbed person (shock, accident…) I advise you to do two healings in two or three days. In the other cases, it would leave a minimum of three days between each session., with a maximum of thirty days.


The Connection is compatible with all existing treatments. The activation of the MIND starts a process of self-healing and is something that continues to act for life.

Medication, if necessary, is more effective. Logically the doctor will decrease the prescription seeing the progress, not knowing that some therapist worked with his client with energies.


I consider the Connection the most complete and accessible form of healing and self-healing to all of us who live on the planet. "Connects" the person with the fullness of the Universe, open the door to the fifth dimension, the fullness of Being and allows us to discover who we really are.

It is an inner and outer discovery, an inimitable experience, a stage. The Sanergética Connection is a highly effective energy activation; removes stress from the body, physical dysfunctions, energetic, emotional and spiritual. Once the meridians of your body have been clarified, our energies return to harmony. In the months and years that follow, you will notice how different you are from other people at all levels. People will be drawn to the charisma you give off, at first you won't understand why so many people fall in love with you. It is because of what your auric field gives off. Few things will get to affect you, you will be more focused on interpreting them with a better attitude and energy.


John Rockefeller, who was considered the richest man in the world in the twentieth century said: "If in life you take the 51% of good decisions, you will be a billionaire ".

A merchant from Figueres told me that, since his Connection he had never made a mistake in a commercial decision and that despite the famous "crisis" of the years 2008-2010 I had work to spare. Once connected, advised him to simply follow his intuition, the first thing that crossed your mind. This is the sum of innumerable calculations of possibilities and probabilities of a connected brain.

Another phrase from Rockefeller: "Unless you believe in yourself, nobody will; this is the advice that leads to success ".


The Connection is compatible with all and all, it is part of the "creation". It is also beneficial for the baby to have a mother in perfect health, connected with her own field and that of the baby, with vital energy, with the will to live and with healing abilities. This vibration accompanies the child during pregnancy, when you breastfeed, giving you your milk that contains the same health information program, Original Design. The woman gives life and nourishes.

How extraordinary it is to be a mother, a woman!


Sanergía has earned a reputation for “special effects”. However, it is not necessary to generalize them. There is a rule: "no rules". Nothing special HAS to happen. Let it flow, let it surprise you. Don't schedule, don't pray, do not wish anything in particular. The Universe does well Various feelings flow during the sessions; the predominant ones are peace and well-being. One of the most listened to testimonies is: "It was like leaving my body".


Practitioners enjoy. They are delighted with their work, of those who feel and what they see. I don't want to publish and I don't want to "schedule" any hope. We talk about all this in detail in my courses. For future sanergistas it is good that they know that what is important is what they feel, not what the participant feels.


Man ... yes, but don't tell anyone.

In cases of pathologies such as impotence and frigidity we see relevant results. For the experiences and comments of our clients, we know that Connection increases sexual appetite. The body produces serotonin, endorphin, melatonin, analgesic substances and sexual appetite. The fact of being better, in good health, makes worries aside and thinks more about giving pleasure to the partner, which, suddenly, is more attractive and attractive. You yourself feel more pleasure when the energies are balanced.

The Connection really heals shyness and removes inhibitions. Healthy women and men give off an energy that makes them more attractive in the eyes of others. There are few exceptions due, maybe, To the fact that, after connection, one clearly perceives that it is the partner that affects health; either for better or for worse, and this can also influence your sexual relationship, as in making decisions regarding the future of the couple.


It is mostly "ignorance", the fact of ignoring or not grasping something. Our body continuously gives us signals. You have no cold, you are impatient. You have no pain, you are capturing information; you don't have lumbar problems, you are afraid of running out of money. A good sanergista knows how to reveal the cause of any disorder, syndrome or disease. They do not know it by heart but they have a work with the explanation of all the ailments, we are used to solving them.


Is this a hallucination or a gift? Very few times did the participants have experiences that were considered unpleasant. Most are delighted. A few get up from the gurney look high, others claim to feel as they would think a thousand kilos. They are not hallucinations.

Are perceptions. However, each session is different; each person sees or notices different things. The "special effects" are not essential.

The Connection contributes to being a special effect for the rest of your life. Better not have any expectations. Quantum physics does not work linear as we are used to; therefore, often, we believe that we are "imagining" things. Notes o no, The Connection is still running. What is perceived or the immediate success of the healing, it has nothing to do with the session, but with the availability of the subconscious.


Its value is 333 Dollars, including the two sessions on two consecutive days.


WHY 333?

The particularity of this number is its vibration. Lee Carroll channeled this information and published it in his Kryon book series.. The three is health. Three times three, it's nine, nine vibe 17,6 in the Antena of Lecher: Universal energy. For you and for the value you give to your health, it is important not to modify this sum of 333 Dollars. 3+3+3= 9 = stability and balance. He 9 lying down is the conch, the Nautilus, the symbol of Creation and universal force (Energy 17,6). It is customary to pay the amount in cash at the beginning of the first of the two sessions of the Sanergética Connection.. The vibration "accompanies" the process. You will see that successful healers apply rates that end in nine: 63, 72, 81, 90, 243, 333, 495.

Do you think it's casualty? When you search for your favorite channel on the radio, you connect with the frequency of the type of music that creates well-being.. Everything is vibration.



Only once in your life. Once connected, nobody, not a patient, nor an eventual malicious person will be able to undo a Sanergetic Connection. The continuous experiments in the CIB have confirmed this many times to be able to affirm it with certainty.

If I liked the experience, Can i repeat it?, Will I notice other things?, Will it be stronger?

Perceptions of energy work are magical and enjoyable. I advise you to continue with Sanergía sessions or to participate in the courses. Of course a new re-connection never hurts, pro doesn't make sense.

The work is already done and cannot be undone or altered. When Sanergistas meet, it is very common for each other to practice Sanergía or La Conexion sessions in the form of training..


Only once in your life. Once connected, nobody, not a patient, nor an eventual malicious person will be able to undo a Sanergetic Connection. The continuous experiments in the CIB have confirmed this many times to be able to affirm it with certainty.

If I liked the experience, Can i repeat it?, Will I notice other things?, Will it be stronger?

Perceptions of energy work are magical and enjoyable. I advise you to continue with Sanergía sessions or to participate in the courses. Of course a new re-connection never hurts, pro doesn't make sense.

The work is already done and cannot be undone or altered. When Sanergistas meet, it is very common for each other to practice Sanergía or La Conexion sessions in the form of training..


We recommend the Sanergética Connection to all those who practice some form of natural medicine, spiritual the bioenergetics, to masseurs, osteopaths, chiropractors, psychotherapists… Also Yoga teachers and practitioners, Tai-Chi, Chi-Kung, reiki, Meditation, Regressions, etc.

It is scientifically proven that the Sanergética Connection considerably increases performance and perceptions. By opening up to the new frequencies, customers will be the first to notice your energy change. Will know. They will notice. Your results and your perceptions will progressively and dramatically increase. Many feel a stronger connection to the cosmic Universe, while feeling more connected to the Earth and its inhabitants. All who have experienced the Connection have found a tremendous increase in the ability to direct healing energy.; it is something that is unstoppable and continues to work permanently. It is more enriching for them to feel the energies flow than to just make boring movements or draw mechanically learned symbols.


There are several cases of myopia and cataracts that have been miraculously resolved. Although they are considered incurable pathologies, there are no scientific limits to the powers of the human mind. Also increases the "panoramic" view. Others say they have more retro-visual ability (people, stuff, beings or presences by your side, behind…). Many effects of the Sanergetic Connection are noticeable after months or years. The Law of Attraction acts on healing: what you think, believe.


Animal survival instincts are greatly developed. The human lives with two feelings: love and hate. Animals live with love and survival, much more serene and without fear.

Contrary to what we have been taught, animals are not inferior to man. They "realize more", they are more aware, perceive more, use more brain power than we do, intuition, telepathy. We have all this but no one has taught us.

During history, man allowed himself to be "neutralized" by the powerful. Humanoids live disconnected from nature, of his powers and his signals. The Connection re-connects us with these wonderful survival instincts that animals have (few animals died during the tsunami of 2004, they passed away 289.000 people…)

Increase in the sense of "how to achieve your goals" and start a whole process of interpreting life as you see more signs, you become more aware of the people who are beneficial to you and those who harm you.


There is no cure for disbelief and sanergists reserve the right to accept or reject a client. We just want good results and perfect statistics. I reaffirm that the sanergistas obtain the 100% of good results. Although it seems pretentious, it's true. Our brain manufactures both success and failure. You will always be right. If you say it works you will be right. If you say something can't work, well you will be right, it won't work for you. You put everything in motion to be right and you will get it. Your mind directs matter. If you lack faith in healing, better leave it. No one is served by failures. further, Sanergía practitioners reserve the right not to do a session.

To the skeptics we tell them to listen to the talk, or better, to come to the conference. If later they decide not to do sessions, the Sanergista does not charge. Sickness is ignorance (not knowing). It is important to convey all the information.

Sanergía is a new science, it's quantum physics, quantum medicine. We work with new frequencies measured for the first time in 1989. Sanergía is new. Cannot be purchased with any formula above. Nor is it a technique, rather it is a set of energies in process. It is an inspiring and renewing philosophy. It's re-creation, is co-creation. ¡No compares, progress with her! If we try to explain everything with what we already know, we do not progress.


You will get sick if you need to understand something. The body needs some disease from time to time and the sanergista will be able to explain its cause..

There will be less, and they will heal faster. Being in the fifth dimension allows to prevent diseases. The subconscious "warns". How it warns is explained in the talk that your sanergista gives you or in the conferences where we address the subject.


The Sanergética Connection sets in motion a mechanism of self-healing of the person.

Your conscience, Your intelligence, decide in what order the different parts of your body will heal. It will be like a link, going from one to another, as if you were browsing the internet. Sometimes healing happens on the stretcher, chronic pain, depression, anguish, anorexia, Rage, fears, asthma, a tumor, sometimes in a few days, months, years ago (scoliosis, deformations). There is always improvement.


If you have read my book "The Creator" well, it is impossible for you to suffer from cancer. If it still comes to you or it comes back, you lack information. Reread the book and visit a sanergista. Any disease can be deprogrammed. We have found, during years of experiments and experiences with Sanergía the key that activates self-healing. Currently one in three people in Spain dies of cancer because they lack key information and do not know what their mind can really achieve.

Retired oncologist Samuel Coteauz told me that if the whole country reads this book, they can close the oncology department of each hospital. For many, the talk or being present at the conference was enough to understand the mechanism of the disease and change the vibration from harmful to benign. We have examples of miraculous healing of cancer without having done any session to the person. It is my professional experience that confirms that, once we have understood, cancer is a healing process, not a disease. (Also read the “cancer” dossier on the Discovery Salud website . We have examples of malignant tumors transformed into benign during the talk (change the vibration from malignant to benign; the hospital confirmed the fact after a new biopsy). We have similar experiences with leukemia and asthma. Serious pathologies are often healed more easily than those considered trivial.


As for the HIV virus, no sanergista caught its vibration. I am convinced that the HIV virus does not exist. However, it dramatically increases the resistance factor of the participant to the disorder (based on clinical measurements up to 500%) which increases your quality of life. We have many cases in which the client no longer takes any medication. They feel healthy without medication and get sick when they take it.


I am not an oncologist or a doctor, in fact I can not publicly comment on the subject. The most important oncologists on the planet have been interviewed by Discovery Salud magazine and I formed a very objective opinion. I studied the theories of Dr.. Hamer that I have been convinced and believe in the “Swedish model” that managed to reduce the number of hospital beds to a third of what had previously been triple, thanks to a model of training of healers and doctors that has inspired me a lot when writing my courses.

My workshops are like my lectures, simple and pleasant.


Those connected lose less hair, they have less nausea, less vomiting, they are more resistant, they don't have a bad time like their “colleagues” and they survive.


In its whole, the brain is a powerful processor of captured information, a great computer (to "order", put order, fix). It is able to do between 2.000 and 3.000 calculations of possibilities and probabilities per second, amazing, truth?

A connected mind can effect 2.900.000.000 calculations in ONE second (scientifically proven with advanced techniques). The connected brain gives the intuitive result by calculating items from previous lives, of your current life and elements of the future (¿!) (multidimensional) your mind reaches the best conclusion for your health problems, but also to get any answer for your benefit, at all levels: personal, sentimental, commercial, professionals…

In less than a year it will be so developed that you will learn to blindly trust your intuition. Like the animals, you will always make the good decision for your survival and your quality of life. Your clairvoyance will also develop.


We see miracles every week and I continue to be in awe of what I see in the long run. Although I do not consider them miracles but "unexplained scientific facts". Each sanergista will have anecdotes and "miraculous" stories to tell you.


It's part of awareness. Read the document well before signing it. Practitioners and Sanergists are not doctors with a state diploma, They are not subsidized and need your authorization to be able to work. The client testifies in writing that he trusts bioenergetics, in alternative medicine, in the new science, who participates in the experiment, that she herself decides to improve her quality of life and wants to learn more about healing with Sanergía and universal energy.


I have contacted many journalists, with some known women, television presenters. Since its introduction, no scientific or medical journal affirmed that the Connection or Sanergía do not work or that they present some type of risk to health. Since 2006 I have discovered many objective and positive articles about our work. Among my clientele I have naturopaths, homeopaths, nurses, doctors, surgeons, even oncologists, their relatives and all the "normal" people of all kinds of education, profession or social class.

It is amazing to discover so many pages around the world with witnesses who speak of Sanergía in internet search engines.


In more than 50.000 pages? I believe my pride will survive. Everyone has the right to give their opinion, provided they know what they're talking about. Unfortunately, those who know the least about the subject are the ones who criticize it the most..


The friends I frequent are medical friends and psychologists. My daughter also studied medicine and "watches" me with affection. Everyone follows our studies with interest. I share with them my findings and opinions. They send me their most difficult cases, those that the medication has not worked.

After a session of "energies" the medication works effectively.

How to explain? It is so simple that I explain it publicly in all my lectures and talks. People participate and see that these "forces" work well. There are already a good number of sanergista doctors in Spain.


Because what we explain is easy to understand, has great logic, remove existential doubts and thanks to the internet today everything is verifiable.


It is simply believing in what is not seen, in which we are an integral part of something else. There are many forces in the universe that influence us.

We accept that there are solutions for all pathologies and that is why it works. This is what counts. The sick only want to be well and trust us. Energy is not seen, but it exists. Gas is not seen but exists, is energy and exists. Maybe in the 2030 write books that scientifically explain what we are doing today. To be able to write them, we have to put it into practice, experience it.

We know that it does not harm. It is already a great discovery.

The medical world confirms this and it is not a mystery that all the new doctors who leave the university are interested in quantum healing. In Sweden and Germany the 50% of doctors are also natural medicine therapists. Our destiny is to raise the vibration of the planet. To heal a cell is to heal an entire person. To heal a single person is to heal his entire environment, all his life, everything that exists in it.

Energies are booming. It's something new that works. We are writing history.


The first appointment with a sanergista is a first contact with the new frequencies of healing through Connection. The first consultation with a hard sanergista 1 hour and 30 minute (questionnaire, explanatory talk, consultation and session) of which you will be some 18 O 22 minutes lying on the stretcher. No one has ever been harmed with Sanergía or Sanergética Connection!, since it works with the participant's own vibrational frequency.

The Sanergetica Connection sessions activate and increase your self-healing powers, broaden physical perceptions, spiritual, positive and affective feelings. Let yourself go, just relax, lie down on the stretcher, trust and enjoy how pleasant an energy session is.

Let yourself be carried away to the "multidimensional" world; enter the dimension of the strength of your subconscious, let the light in, YOUR frequency, the only one compatible with you. It is the source of all the information required by your physical and spiritual body.

Experiences that you could feel during your Sanergía sessions, the Sanergética Connection or the Tuning with Sanergía:

We cite some testimonies of the experiences and feelings of the people during the sessions. They are also kept in an impressive archive. You will notice that each person has different reactions; new comments could be added after each customer. All this is part of the "Investigation". We learn every day.

If one day you participate in a session, you will also help write history. You will automatically be part of the team of researchers, since your comments will increase this awareness (awareness!) and wisdom.

Practically everyone commented in their sessions that it was a very pleasant and pleasant experience. Some ... didn't feel anything at the time. However the process is activated and will not stop. The sensations will come later in surprising ways. During your sessions I would tell you that you don't need to do anything, nor think, nor program, nor wish, nor pray for your healing. Having faith in healing or attunement already sets it off. Focus on enjoying.


In each Healing or Sanergetic Connection (a, From, or more). Different phenomena can occur. Everyone has an experience.

Do not worry, do not worry, Enjoy! Do not resist, we work on your motor and electromagnetic system, many movements are normal and known effects.

Common phenomena:

. Blinking eyes closed eyes move continuously.

. Fingers or toes move or want to move (leave them)

. Hot, cold, tingling fingers, hands, legs, head, knees, shoelaces, punctures, tickle, sparks (like a sparkler)

. Dry mouth, cramps, a soft breath of cold wind

. Cry, tears, sadness, old memories

. Laugh, happiness, joy, party mood

. Push, yawn, swallow, choking

. The belly that swells and deflates, big sighs

. Feel sick, dream, fall asleep, lose consciousness

. Shocks that cause parts of the body to move, let it happen, take advantage of it.

.A change in the density of the air, magnetic pull or retraction (magnet)

. Listen to music, hear things, voices, messages, smell smells (lavender, incense, sulfur, perfumes…)

Frequent comments:

"I had the feeling that there were more people in the room or that people were entering and leaving"

"I heard wind, loud noise in the street, children who play and shout "

I heard caravans of cars, horns"

"I have seen a color that I have never seen"

"The background music was very rare" (music is not used in Sanergía)

"I felt like drops of water falling on me and began to run all over my body"

I saw angels, i saw someone, shades, beings, I noticed presences "

"I felt as if I was throwing a rope to get up"

"These passing trains bothered me"

"It was like dying of dizziness in an ocean of well-being"

"I felt hot and cold together in the same place, I can not explain it"

"I was visited by a person who died years ago"

"As if they cut off my head"

"I have the impression that I felt love for the first time in my life ... with an indescribable intensity"

If annoying feelings sometimes arise (fear, extreme worry), think something is correcting, something that hurt you. Symptoms are rare. They only last a few moments, then they disappear; maybe they'll never come back, since from now on your self-healing intelligence develops and you remain connected with the new vibrational frequency that heals you.


As much as I try to answer all the questions that I have been asked throughout my career, those who are not connected will always find more questions, but I no longer have space in this book "The Creator". Anyway, at the end of the lectures that I often give, They can always ask me all the questions that time allows them and I, with pleasure, I will try to answer them all.